Show visually annotated card ED-T Sun Prairie Wds 1-3+86711i
Image Name: ED-T Sun Prairie Wds 1-3+86711i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2024-01-11 21:01:25
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
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Precinct Style Name: T Sun Prairie Wds 1-3
Card Style: 80

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Justice of the Supreme Court
    Janet C. Protasiewicz
    Daniel Kelly
Court of Appeals Judge District 4
    Chris Taylor
Muncipal Judge for the Village of Dane and Towns ...
    Dennis J. Sieg
Town Board Chairperson/Sun Prairie
    Lyle Updike
Town Board Supervisor/Sun Prairie (Vote for 2)
    Doug Yelk
    Joe Seltzner
Town Treasurer/Sun Prairie
    Kay Weisensel
Town Constable/Sun Prairie
Sun Prairie Area School District School Board Member (Vote for 2)
    Katey Kamoku
    Carol Sue Albright
    Lisa Goldsberry
    Tom Weber
Question 1: Conditions of release before ...
Question 2: Cash bail before conviction. Shall ...
Question 3: Shall able-bodied, childless adults ...
Should the Wisconsin Constitution be amended to ...
Should the Wisconsin Legislature adopt an ...