Show visually annotated card ED-T Oregon Wds 1-4+95809i
Image Name: ED-T Oregon Wds 1-4+95809i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2024-01-11 20:57:27
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Precinct Style Name: T Oregon Wds 1-4
Card Style: 55

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Justice of the Supreme Court
    Janet C. Protasiewicz
    Daniel Kelly
Court of Appeals Judge District 4
    Chris Taylor
Muncipal Judge for the Village and Town of Oregon
    Sheri G. Pollock
Town Board Chairperson/Oregon
    Carl Walser
    Jason Marshall
Town Board Supervisor/Oregon (Vote for 2)
    Brian Richards
    Kate Gladding
    Steve Jernegan
School District of Belleville School Board Member (Vote for 3)
    Jill Remy
    Trina Kluever Pauli
    Maxine L. Ward
    Katie Woehrle
    Ryan Kubly
Question 1: Conditions of release before ...
Question 2: Cash bail before conviction. Shall ...
Question 3: Shall able-bodied, childless adults ...
Should the Wisconsin Constitution be amended to ...
Should the Wisconsin Legislature adopt an ...