Show visually annotated card ED-C Middleton Wds 14-18+115386i
Image Name: ED-C Middleton Wds 14-18+115386i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2024-01-11 20:56:49
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Precinct Style Name: C Middleton Wds 14-18
Card Style: 193

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Justice of the Supreme Court
    Janet C. Protasiewicz
    Daniel Kelly
Court of Appeals Judge District 4
    Chris Taylor
    Kathy Olson
    Emily Kuhn
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District II (Vote for 2)
    Bob Green
    Catherine Kells
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District III
    Tabitha Hansen
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District IV (Vote for 2)
    Marni Ginsberg
Question 1: Conditions of release before ...
Question 2: Cash bail before conviction. Shall ...
Question 3: Shall able-bodied, childless adults ...
Should the Wisconsin Constitution be amended to ...
Should the Wisconsin Legislature adopt an ...